At Nature Invest, all our processes are based on transparency. The stages of registration of a project need to be rigorously followed by the proponents so that donors, partners and society in general are aware of each moment of the project. This link is essential for the strengthening of a community with different actors who work for the development of projects with a socio-environmental impact. All projects must necessarily be aligned with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as well as defining which biome will benefit from their actions.

After registering the project, we undergo an internal expert verification to identify possible improvements in terms of impact or environmental legislation. These observations are shared with the proponent down to the project scope, so that your purpose and the budget attached to it make sense. This transparency process generates benefits for the proposing organizations themselves, as they enhance public credibility and trust in their actions.

With the start of the campaign phase, the project scope and its budget are exposed to donors. It is important to emphasize that there are two fundraising possibilities: one-off donations and recurring donations. Fundraising is expected to last 90 days and, during the campaign, the proponent must report on their activities and report on their impacts of the project. Thus, the community of supporters will be able to follow exactly what happened with their contribution and evaluate the project at the end of its execution, reaffirming the safety and traceability of a transparent fundraising process.

In the future, Nature Invest has the perspective of improving and continuing to evolve in its monitoring technologies, whose ultimate goal is to facilitate the connection between investments and impact projects.
impact. All projects must necessarily be aligned with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as well as defining which biome will benefit from their actions.

By making your project available on the Nature Invest platform, you increase the chances of getting it off the paper and help a movement that will allow more people and institutions to make their sustainability ideas viable.

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Associação Ambiental Nature Invest (AANI)
CNPJ: 23.670.472/0001-57