Here you will find the frequently asked questions that have already been answered to help you in advance with any questions you may have.

How does Nature Invest work?
Nature Invest is an organization that works as a collaborative platform dedicated to financing socio-environmental and sustainability projects. Through the principle of crowdfunding, we offer visibility to proposals, facilitate dialogue between project proponents and supporters, manage the fundraising process and transfer the amount raised to the project proponent.

Our objective is to create a “bridge” between potential donors and high-potential socio-environmental entrepreneurs, offering a wide range of options for engaging in environmental protection and building more sustainable alternatives for society.
How are projects evaluated?
The evaluation of the project is carried out by an internal team at Nature Invest. This team will assess basic parameters such as project scope, time of execution and required budget. In addition, we will verify that there is nothing that conflicts with current environmental legislation. It is important for the proponent to consider that his donors are the main evaluators of the project and its execution. At the end of the project, they assessed the proponent: his ability to execute, the way in which he contacted the donors, the questions he answered, how accountability was presented and how he communicated with them and with the general public and, finally, what was the impact of your project.

What are Nature Invest's themes?
Urban mobility

Urban mobility projects can be related to the implementation of bike lanes, mapping the best connections for the bike lanes, developing applications to facilitate the reading of the bus route, implementing carpools, mapping potholes and traffic jams, among others.


Agriculture-related projects can be developed to bring less-impact agriculture to the environment. The development of agroforestry, organic agriculture, beekeeping or technologies that can increase the efficiency of input use, the development of applications to promote the traceability of agricultural production or urban gardens are some examples that fall into this category.

Forest restoration

Forest restoration is one of the greatest challenges in the various biomes in Brazil. Mainly in areas close to water courses the restoration needed to protect the aquatic environment. We want to encourage forest restoration with native species from each environment. Forest restoration also does not rule out the economic use of the area to be restored.

Species protection

There are several species in Brazil that deserve protection. Each biome has its flag species, a key species that characterizes that environment. However, we don't want to restrict ourselves to these species. Projects can work with other species that are threatened with distinction with reintroduction projects or environmental education projects for the protection of that species by a community that shares the same environment.

Environmental education

Raising youth and adults' awareness of environmental protection causes is essential to ensure the continuity and longevity of actions to protect the environment. That's why Nature Invest wants to encourage environmental education on its platform.

Sustainable construction

Various sustainable construction initiatives can be implemented with the help of Nature Invest. Installations for the reuse of rainwater, green roofing for roofs, sound and thermal insulation are just a few examples that lead to a lower environmental impact in our buildings.

Waste management

Nature Invest also wants to be part of the effort to recycle or reuse the products we consume on a daily basis. Projects that encourage the recycling of glass or cans, support scavengers or also the installation of earthworms in condominiums can be projects that fit very well into this category.


Providing energy to the population in a clean way is one of the great challenges of modernity. Despite the energy potential in Brazil, especially solar energy, very little is invested in this sector. This theme should encourage investment in small projects to increase the use of solar energy and energy efficiency. Solutions can be implemented in large buildings or to provide access to electricity in remote communities.


It is increasingly easy to map our environment electronically with geoprocessing tools. That way we can get to know our territory much better and characterize it according to our interests. Long-distance, mapped and shared trails could, for example, guarantee safe access to those who would like to know more about nature. In this way, restoration areas or where environmental crimes have occurred can also be mapped.

Research & Communication

There is a lot to discover about the environment in which we live. We want to motivate research and encourage the exchange of knowledge. The production of films, documentaries or publications in general is also encouraged by Nature Invest and falls into this category.


Water is essential for life. Protecting this asset with social and environmental projects is essential. Funded projects may be linked to small water supply projects such as spring protection or stream cleaning.

Coastal and Marine

The coastal marine environment can be preserved in a number of ways. A bidder might suggest cleaning beaches, restoring mangroves or protecting corals off the Brazilian coast. There are several actions that can be promoted.


The extraction of native fruits from the various Brazilian Biomes is one of the ways to reconcile conservation with income generation, especially for traditional indigenous peoples. Strengthening extractivism production chains contributes to the conservation of important landscapes in Brazil. Here, both the development of machinery and the development of products and services linked to extractivism can be financed.

Territories under special management

There are several different categories for protected areas in Brazil. Some areas are reserved for the conservation of biological species and genetic resources. Others to ensure the use of natural resources and the livelihood of traditional populations, valuing their cultures. We also have urban parks, private reserves and mosaics of various types of areas reserved for the conservation and management of natural resources. This theme is dedicated to encouraging the sustainable management of these territories.

Environmental disasters

With climate change, we will have an increase in the frequency of environmental disasters such as large fires, floods, storms or contamination. Specific campaigns are often needed for more emergency actions. A classic for this type of project is the acquisition of materials that can help volunteer fire brigades fight fires in our forests.

What is a biome?
BBiome is a biological unit or geographic space whose specific characteristics are defined by the macro climate, phytophysiognomy, soil and altitude, among other criteria. They are types of ecosystems, habitats or biological communities with a certain level of homogeneity. For more information:

What are the biomes that need to be covered by the projects?
To benefit from Nature Invest, the project must include one of the following biomes: Amazon, Coastal Sea, Atlantic Forest, Cerrado, Caatinga, Pantanal and Pampa.
Who can submit a project to Nature Invest?
You can be an enthusiast, an environmentalist, a social entrepreneur or an NGO with a desire to implement impactful projects. Nature Invest is here to bridge the gap between implementers and supporters, creating a direct link between your donation and the positive impacts that the projects achieve.

In a transparent and direct way, donors and designers will be able to invest or implement projects on a platform in which all information exchange, accounting and accountability reports will be managed through Nature Invest's platform.

What information do I need to have to submit a project?
When you click on Submit a project, you will be redirected to a form in which you will need to fill in your personal information and the information for the project you wish to receive support for.

Among the necessary information, you will need to inform which biome will be impacted by the project, the project's theme (Urban Mobility, Forest Restoration, Environmental Education, etc), the action objectives and the project's financial collection goal.

How should I account for the project?
Transparency about a project is essential for accountability to society. Nature Invest establishes some budget categories that serve as a guide for what needs to be covered in accountability. Check out:

1. Wages and Labor Charges
Expenses with active personnel, with any type of remuneration, such as salaries and benefits (fixed and variable), subsidies (including additional ones), bonuses, overtime and personal benefits of any nature, as well as social charges and social security contributions.

Examples: salaries, vacations, salary provisions, employer payment, transport vouchers, food stamps, daycare assistance.

2. Provision of Services
Expenses with contracting work performed by third parties, individuals or companies. The provision of a service is a kind of work carried out as a rental of physical or intellectual labor for the execution of a certain activity.

Example: maintenance services (vehicles, electronics, appliances), provision of security services, cleaning, infrastructure, etc.

3. Consulting
Expenses with the hiring of specialized work performed by third parties, natural or legal, linked to the delivery of a specific product.

Examples: business management consultancy, finance consultancy, marketing consultancy; logistics consultancy, etc.

4. Communication
Investments in any and all internal or external communication activities, including social media, social media, platform and marketing channel.

Examples: press office, radio, internet, newspapers, magazines.

5. Acquisition of Goods and Equipment
Expenses with the purchase of goods and equipment.

Examples: permanent material, furniture, electronic equipment, machinists and peripherals.

6. Works and Civil Construction
Expenses with works, construction, demolition, renovation or expansion of a building or other improvement added to the ground or subsoil.

Examples: carrying out works, construction, demolition, renovation or expansion of a building.

7. Travel
Travel costs, national or international, for carrying out activities related to the organization's interests.

Examples: land travel, airfare, accommodation, food, daily rates.

8. Courses and Training
Expenses with courses and training for the qualification of the company's employees for the best performance of their activities.

Examples: courses, training, certifications.

9. Supplies
Expenses with items managed, moved, stored, processed and transported by logistics.

Examples: raw materials needed to manufacture a product; equipment or component parts of a product; equipment replacement parts; the products of a trade/service; production support materials;

10. Insurance
Expenses of any contract by which one of the parties (insurer) undertakes to indemnify the other (insured), in the event of a certain accident, in exchange for receiving an insurance premium.

Examples: guarantee insurance, personal insurance, transport insurance, credit insurance, etc.

11. Taxes and Taxes
Expenses with the imposition of a financial charge (tax, fees, tax or contributions) on the company, by the state or a functional equivalent of a state, from the occurrence of a taxable event.

Examples: Document Issuance fee, Trade Registration fee (Board of Trade), Fire Safety fee, Establishment Inspection fee. Federal taxes: tax on industrialized products (IPI), corporate income tax (IRPJ). State taxes: Tax on Circulation of Goods and Services (ICMS). City Taxes: Services tax (ISS), Vehicle Owners tax. Automotive (IPVA).

12. Administrative Expenses
Expenses that are not directly linked to the company's production or main activity.

Examples: renting the company's property; depreciation; consumption bills — water, electricity, internet, telephone; cleaning material; office supplies.

13. Financial expenses
Expenses related to the amounts of charges and interest that the company contracted on loans and financing, and which must be paid to its creditors.

Payment of interest, bank fees, credit card fees, annual fees, etc.

How should I account for the project
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a global agenda with 17 goals and 169 goals that were agreed between the world community in September 2015 in New York, the United Nations (UN). These goals represent a global effort to continue the search for coordinated sustainable development among nations. The SDGs represent a continuation and enhancement of the Millennium Development Goals and should guide global actions through 2030.

The main actions planned are related to the areas of poverty eradication, food security, agriculture, health, education, gender equality, reduction of inequalities, energy, water and sanitation, sustainable patterns of production and consumption, climate change, sustainable cities , protection and sustainable use of the oceans and terrestrial ecosystems, inclusive economic growth, infrastructure, industrialization, among others.

Themes can be divided into four main dimensions:

  • Social: related to human needs, health, education, improving the quality of life, justice.

  • Environmental: deals with the preservation and conservation of the environment, with actions ranging from reversing deforestation, protecting forests and biodiversity, combating desertification, sustainable use of oceans and marine resources, to the adoption of effective measures against climate change.

  • Economic: addresses the use and depletion of natural resources, waste production, energy consumption, among others.

  • Institutional: concerns the capacities to put the SDGs into practice.

For more information please consult the United Nations website: https://nacoesunidas.org/pos2015/agenda2030/

How does Nature Invest handle the security of your data?
Nature Invest values ​​the privacy of its users and ensures its commitment to protect their privacy and personal data, under the terms of the General Data Protection Law and other laws on the subject. All information about the security of your data can be accessed in our Privacy Policy.

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Associação Ambiental Nature Invest (AANI)
CNPJ: 23.670.472/0001-57